UCC admits 5,354 fresh students for Sandwich 2015/16 Academic Year

The University of Cape Coast has admitted a total of 5,354 sandwich students to pursue undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in various disciplines for the 2015/2016 academic year.

The number comprises 2, 881 post-graduate and 2,273 undergraduate students out of which 2, 908 are males and 2, 446 females.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. D. D. Kuupole disclosed this at the Matriculation Ceremony of Fresh Sandwich Students at the New Examination Centre, North Campus. He noted that UCC has kept faith in its mission of responding to the changing needs of society and continues to provide access to higher education through the sandwich mode. He said the programmes were tailored towards workers whose work schedules or domestic responsibilities would not permit them to enroll in the regular session to pursue programmes of their choice.

Prof. Kuupole explained that the sandwich session was therefore intended to enable working class to update and upgrade their professional and academic competencies in order to function effectively and efficiently at their work places. He further indicated that the sandwich session was a means for the University to fully maximize the very little essential facilities available. He was quick to add that “A lot of sacrifices had gone into the programme and we expect maximum co-operation from you to enable us achieve our mutual objectives.”

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