SPACO 93 Year Group Donates to Alma Mater

spaco 93 donation

In order to aid teaching and learning of ICT, the first batch of Secondary School system who completed in 1993 at St Paul’s Senior High School, Denu in the Volta region have donated a laptop computer and LED projector to their alma mater.
According to the Chairman of the ’93 year group, Sydney Vittor, the old boys were only performing their moral responsibility to the school in reciprocation to the good work the school administration and the teachers are doing.

The old boys who visited the campus to present the items and to see for themselves how the school is doing were impressed when the headmaster Francis Hlorgbe informed them about the recent performance of the school in the National Science and Maths Quiz Competition. According to Francis Hlorgbe, even though the students fell short of entering the quarter-finals, there is hope that they will do better in subsequent competitions.
St.Paul’s Senior High School was among ten schools from the Volta Region which participated in the competition.

The old boys who also had the opportunity to address the students admonished them to conquer evil by doing good in all their endeavours as stipulated by the motto of the school in Latin- ”Vince In Bono Malum”.

The secretary of the year group, Christian Senyeabor, informed the headmaster and the teaching staff of the intention of the year group to institute a scholarship scheme for Science Students. He however stated that the scheme would be expanded to other departments as time goes on.

The headmaster commended highly the effort of the old boys and promised to ensure that the items are put to good use for the benefit of the students. He encouraged other year groups to extend their hands of support to the school to ensure that the school grows from strength to strength and from glory to glory.


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