Court Orders Francis Kwabena Arthur from continuing to hold himself as the UCC SRC President.


A writ has been filed at the Cape Coast High Court restraining the Ag SRC President of the
University of Cape Coast, Francis Kwabena Arthur from continuing to hold himself as the SRC President.

This was  a report By ,which stated that,
The writ was filed by Philip Glover and Jerald K. Tamba, all students of the University of Cape Coast.

The defendants of the suit include the  University of Cape Coast, the Dean of Students
of the University and Francis Kwabena Arthur as first, second and third defendants respectively.

The statement of claim by the plaintiff included  the following;

a. A declaration that the continuous stay in office by the 3rd defendant as the Acting SRC
President is in contravention of the SRC Constitution of the University of Cape Coast.

b. A declaration that any appointments and functions carried out by the 3rd defendant
acting as the SRC President after the expiration of the prescribed 21 days are null and void.

c. An order restraining the 3rd defendant from acting as the Acting SRC President of the

d. An order directed at the Dean of Students  to swear into office the SRC Secretary as the
Acting SRC President as  prescribed by the SRC Constitution.

e. Other just and equitable reliefs.

f. Costs occasioned by this action.

The writ also explained that the Honourable Court would be moved by the lawyer for and on
behalf of the Plaintiffs/Applicants herein  praying for an Order of Interlocutory Injunction restraining the 3rd defendant from  holding himself as the Acting SRC President of
the University of Cape Coast pending the determination of the suit.

The Court is expected to be moved on Wednesday, February,11, 2015 at exactly

Meanwhile, the writ has received a mixed reaction from students of the University of  Cape Coast.

Speaking to on condition of anonymity, a level 300 students expressed
displeasure on the turn of events and vehemently opposed this decision.

Contrary, a student activist, Gideon Abotsi believed the decision to go to court was a
demonstration of the exercise of democracy and hoped justice would be served.

It will be recalled that the university was in involved in a legal tussle with an aggrieved
student who was disqualified from contesting the SRC Presidential election.

This situation  compelled the university authorities to appoint
an interim SRC President pending the determination of the court.

Meanwhile, elections were held for other position that were not in contention whilst the Ag SRC President still acted at the SRC


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