Teacher forges Voter ID to collect pension Payments


Samuel Ackah Cudjoe, a 33-year-old teacher of St. Mary’s Boys Senior High School, Apowa, near Takoradi, is in police grips, for forging a Voter Identity Card
with which to open a bank account, ostensibly to collect pension payments.

It has been established that Cudjoe is already fraudulently collecting pension payments through a bank in the Upper
East Region.

According to the police, Cudjoe went to the Takoradi Market Circle branch of STANBIC Bank, on Tuesday to open an account, and presented a Voter ID card
bearing the name Rashid Bawa. But when the teller keyed the information into the computer, it detected, the card was fake.

The Takoradi Police Commander,
Superintendent Peter Ofori Donkor, who briefed the Times said the bank officials alerted the policeman on duty, who arrested Cudjoe, and a search on him,
revealed three other identity cards, one bearing the name, Abdul Karim.

The two other identity cards were
forwarded to the Electoral Commission for validation and they also turned out to
be fake.

Cudjoe has been placed in custody, pending further investigations.

By Times News

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