I Dated Gloria Lamptey For 4 Years- Elikem Confesses


Elikem Kumordzie of Big Brother Africa fame has confessed to having an affair with the wife of former Black Stars player,
Odartey Lamptey.

Elikem who denied vehemently concerning the supposed allegations that he was part of the tall list of men that the ex- footballer’s wife dated, on sunday broke the silence of the hidden truth.

This happened when his BBA girl friend Pokello took to twitter a previous day to tell the whole world what she is going through and cautioned the ex wife of the former black stars player to leave her man alone.

Elikem also noted that Pokello broke out with him about three months ago.

He later apoligised to his fans to forgive him and had also learnt his lessons for dating a married woman for four years and his past is now affecting his present and future.


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  1. Pingback: Elikem Denies “Confession Tweet”, Bashes at Ameyaw Debrah For Fake Reportage | educationGhana·

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