Archbishop Porter Girls queue to use washroom and toilet facilities


Students of Arch Bishop Porter Girls have been queuing up daily to use toilet and bathroom facilities due to lack of infrastructure.

The facilities of the school, designed to accommodate 950 students is currently catering
to over 1,800, thereby creating congestion.

Speaking with Joy News at its 49th Speech and Prize-Giving Day under the theme, “Equipping
the Girl-child to face contemporary challenges,”
Headmistress of the schoool, Mary Armah-Brako said this is adversely affecting teaching and

“We don’t have dormitory space, we don’t have classroom space, the dormitories are so congested, especially the bathrooms facilities –
can you imagine girls queuing?” she lamented.

She said, “The cubicles are not so big. Now you have about three girls pushing themselves into
one cubicle in order to wash down.

The congestion is even not only in just the dormitories, it is also in the classrooms.”

Madam Armah-Brako noted that a three-storey dormitory block under the GETFund project has
also stalled.

“We also have an 18-unit classroom block – the ground floor has been completed but the rest are at a stand-still. We need tables for over 150 students and we don’t have them now.

So right now they are sitting on chairs alright but we need tables for them to read and write on.”


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