With Late 3-Pointer, Kentucky Edges Wisconsin to Advance to Final


Wisconsin Coach Bo Ryan hada player once who wanted to leave college early and go to the N.B.A.

It was Devin Harris, in 2004, and he was a junior.“He came into my office and he says, ‘Coach, what do you think?’ ” Ryan said last week. “He was just so relieved I would allow him to go make a lot of money.

”There seemed no better way to illustrate the differences in the programs run by Ryan at Wisconsin and Coach John Calipari at Kentucky, differences that seemed to contrastas richly as the colors of their uniforms, red versus blue.

Their match up in Saturday’s national semifinal — pitting a coach who has started four freshmen in 13 years (Ryan) against one who started five in Saturday’s game alone (Calipari) — seemed, in the larger context, nothing but a heavyweight fight between wisdom and youth.

There was no telling who would advance until the final buzzer.

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